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1. Kizame tsuki jodan, oi tsuki chudan, gyaku tsuki chudan

2. Mae geri, oi tsuki jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

3. Yoko geri kekomi, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

4. Mawashi geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

5. Ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

6. Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri, ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

7. Mae geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai, gyaku tsuki, mawashi geri, uraken, oi tsuki

8. (Whilst standing on one leg) Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, ushiro geri



Students choice of - Jion, Kanku Dai, Enpi or Hangetsu

Grading examiners choice of - Any Heian Kata plus Tekki Shodan




Ju Ippon Kumite - Semi-freestyle fighting

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Mae geri chudan

4. Yoko geri kekomi chudan

5. Mawashi geri

6. Ushiro geri chudan


Ju Kumite - Full-freestyle fighting


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