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(8th kyu)

Kihon - Basic Techniques (Combinations)


1. Jodan oi tsuki - Stepping punch to the face

2. Chudan oi tsuki - Stepping punch to the stomach

3. Jodan age uke - Rising block to the face

4. Chudan soto uke - Outside block to the stomach

5. Chudan uchi uke - Inside block to the stomach

6. Chudan shuto uke (Back stance) - (Shoe-Toe-Ookay) - Knife hand block to the stomach

7. Jodan mae geri - Front snap kick to the face

8. Chudan mae geri - Front snap kick to the stomach

9. Yoko geri keage (Kiba dachi - Horse riding stance) (YoKo-Gery-Key-Aggy) - Side snap kick

10. Yoko geri kekomi (Kiba dachi) - (YoKo-Gery-Kek-Oh-Me) - Side thrust kick


Kata - Pre-arranged form

Heian Shodan - (Hey-Ann-Show-Dan) - Basic step one


Kumite - Sparring

Gohon Ippon Kumite - 5 step sparring

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki


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